What We Do
"Our main focus is to generate funds so that we are able to provide scholarships and financial assistance for Cincinnati area students enrolled at Central State University."
Our Goal
"The Cincinnati Alumni Chapter is continuously in 'recruitment mode' to include and interact with area alumni in hopes to increase our membership base."

credit: Bizjournals

Alumni and Friends, welcome to the website of the Central State University Cincinnati "STAR" Alumni Chapter.

Chapter Officers
Chapter President
Juan Bailey '85
Vice President
MyKish C. Summers '04
Alia Williams-Tolbert '95
Recording Secretary
April Barker-Casey '94
Financial Secretary
Dennis McNeal '66
Sergeant at Arms
Lawanda Kenny '90

President Juan Bailey:
Good Day. My name is Juan Bailey. I am the President of the Central State University Cincinnati STAR Alumni Chapter. Welcome to our website. Visit us frequently so that you can become aware to what the Cincinnati CSU Alumni chapter has in the works.
If you are in the Cincinnati area and are a graduate of Central State, please come and introduce yourself at our monthly meetings. Become active by providing new ideas, energy and any help that is needed to carry out this alumni chapter's main purpose. If you are like minded and recognize the value of an HBCU education and did not graduate from or attend Central State University, you are still invited and more than welcome, we would love to have you join us.
Beginning July 2021, chapter meetings will be held via Zoom session and in person every third Thursday of each month at 7pm. Meetings are physically held at the first building south of the Lincoln Heights Baptist Church located at 9931 Wayne Ave, Cincinnati, Oh 45215. So mark your calendars and come out to help us build on the positive energy for the betterment of our young men and women and our beloved alma mater.