2025 Chapter Events
Sat. March 15:
15th Annual Scholarship Brunch
Manor House| 7440 Mason Montgomery Rd. | Cincinnati, OH 45040
TIME: 10AM - 2PM
Single Ticket price is $73
Table price is $578 (tables accommodate up to 8 people).
Sale prices include online service charge fee.
*No online service fee payment option:
Payment can be sent to the Chapter's Zelle account: csu143497@gmail.com
Please include your name in the memo.
To see the type of events that are scheduled to happen on the campus of Central State University, we conveniently added a link to the campus's official calendar of events.
You can view specific calendars by choosing from the "Calendars" drop down menu. The menu will be located in the top, left section of the web page.
Click the "View Campus Events" link below to go to the university's official calendar of events.